


Graduation Requirements

  • Students must complete more than eight semesters. (Regular semesters, not including seasonal semesters)
  • Students must have completed at least 140 credits. (Including the required credits for the major and cultural credits)

Credits for Graduation

Division Single Major Double Major Minor Interdisciplinary Major
Required Credits
  • Cultural Mandatory 3
  • Cultural Elective 18
  • Major Mandatory 12
  • Major Elective 33
  • Cultural Mandatory 3
  • Cultural Elective 18
  • Major 1 Mandatory 12
  • Major 1 Elective 33
  • Major 2 Mandatory 12
  • Major 2 Elective 33
  • *Major 2 is a double major.
  • Cultural Mandatory 3
  • Cultural Elective 18
  • Major 1 Mandatory 12
  • Major 1 Elective 33
  • Major 2 Mandatory 12
  • Major 2 Elective 33
  • *Major two is minor.
  • Cultural Mandatory 3
  • Cultural Elective 18
  • Major 1 Mandatory 12
  • Major 1 Elective 33
  • Major 2 Mandatory 12
  • Major 2 Elective 33
  • *Major 2 is the interdisciplinary major.
Graduation Credits 140 credits in total

Deferral of Graduation

A student who meets the graduation requirements for each major may apply for a deferral to complete the remaining subjects necessary for obtaining a certification.

* RegistrationAfter a deferral, the student must enroll and register for more than one class next semester.

Early Graduation

Students can apply for early graduation only if they complete all graduation credits within six to seven semesters and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher as of the previous semester.